Whether your a new yoga teacher who’s looking to start teaching at a studio or a studio owner looking to host their first international retreat, we’ll be sharing tips here to help you build your yoga business so that you can maximize your impact. Today’s tip revolves around building your tribe.

For your yoga business, your most valuable asset is your students. Without your students, you could be the best yoga instructor in the world but not have any impact. One of the best ways to develop and build your tribe is by keeping in touch with them on and off the mat. You can do this a number of ways, one of the easiest and cheapest being email. Whenever you teach or have an interaction with a new student, ask them for their email so you can stay in touch. Then sign up for a free email service such as MailChimp where you can save all your contacts and periodically reach out about your upcoming classes and events, entertaining yoga related news or just to say Hi.

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